Would you like to participate in the DIDA Pilot?

With the DIDA app on your phone, you can easily and safely show who you are. This way, you always have your digital W-document within reach. The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) is still testing the DIDA app. We hope you will help us do this.

Important information about the Pilot

Only asylum applicants from COA Groningen Sint-Petersburgweg, COA Zutphen and COA Luttelgeest can participate in the Pilot. Participating in the DIDA Pilot is voluntary and does not affect your asylum application. The Pilot will start between 10 June and 1 July 2024.

Your physical W-document remains valid during the Pilot. You cannot derive any rights from the DIDA app. Because of that, always keep your original physical W-document with you.

Fill in your information below to participate

Would you like to participate in the DIDA pilot? *

Fill in your information

What is your sex?
At which COA location are you staying?

Are you having trouble with filling in the form?

Are you having trouble with filling in the form and do you still want to participate? You can also register for the DIDA Pilot by sending an e-mail. Open the PDF file below and read the instructions in your own language. Please include your name and V-number in the e-mail as well.


Co-funded by the European Union